Proudly Made in Canada—Free Shipping Over $50 CA & US
Proudly Made in Canada—Free Shipping Over $50 CA & US
August 24, 2017 2 min read
Imagine the impact if at the end of lunch hour, no one had garbage to throw out. Packing a waste-free lunch is a simple change you can make for the environment that doesn't have to take a lot of time.
Here at the Rocky Workshop in Canmore, we recently removed our garbage bins from the kitchen altogether; replacing them with multiple bins for paper, plastic, glass, metal recycling, and food waste to be composted. Even if there are items that cannot be recycled, it makes you think twice about whether or not you needed it to begin with.
Here's a few simple tips to make your lunch more earth-friendly:
As a rule of thumb, think of the 3 R's: reduce, reuse and recycle. They're in this order for a reason! Wherever you can reduce the use of packaging and waste - do it. This starts with the decisions you make at the grocery store. Before you rip off a plastic bag to hold your produce think about if you really need it at all. Perhaps a fabric mesh bag would work instead.
Reuse is second. Keeping a set of plastic produce bags from your last grocery shop and reuse them. Recycle is your last resort. It still takes a lot of energy and resources to recycle materials.
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